Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (UK Tour) – Review

Everybody’s Talking About Jamie: Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury

8th June 2024


Everybody’s Talking About Jamie smashed onto the scene in 2017 and has been a huge hit ever since. In addition to its successful 3-year run in London and initial sold-out UK tour, it has been made into an Amazon studios award-winning film. Now the smash-hit and critically acclaimed musical  is touring the UK. Telling the story of Jamie New, based upon Jamie Campbell, who wants to be a drag queen and wear a dress to his prom it tackles many issues in an uplifting, fun way. With catchy music from Dan Gillespie Sells, a diverse and hilarious book and lyrics by Tom Macrae along with dynamic, high energy choreography from Kate Prince it is easy to see why Everybody’s Talking About Jamie has become a firm favourite with audiences.

The touring cast led by Ivano Turco, as Jamie, are all excellent. Ivano Turco adds his own unique twist onto the character of Jamie New and his vocals are beautiful. He certainly knows how to command a stage and his version of Jamie is splendidly dramatic. At the same time, Ivano is able to show true emotion and vulnerability too whilst dealing with the hard hitting aspects of the show such as homophobia and rejection. For this performance, Georgina Hagen was on as the alternate Margaret New and she was wonderful. The amount of passion and emotion shown during ‘He’s My Boy‘ was exceptional. Kevin Clifton proves that is is more than just a dancer and Strictly Come Dancing professional. As Hugo, he is able to hold his own on the stage and his relationship with Jamie as his ‘mentor’ develops and flourishes throughout the show. All of the talented cast are full of energy and clearly committed to the show.

The much loved score is catchy, modern and fresh. There is a clear mix of genres and styles; something to interest and entertain everyone. Kate Prince’s distinctive choreography works brilliantly to enhance the show. Modern, fresh and slick dance moves are performed effortlessly and the contemporary dance sequence during ‘If I Met Myself Again’ adds another element to the song. There are minimal changes to the set, costumes and lighting making this touring production very slick and visually impressive. The modular set by Anna Fleischle is modern and works well to create the different locations of the show. Lucy Carter’s bright and colourful lighting further enhances the show and the projections are effective; although they sometimes could have been more vivid.

Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is fun, vibrant and moving. It faces stereotypes right in the face and tackles diversity throughout with its wide range of characters from all nationalities and backgrounds. It’s about fighting prejudice and tackling bullies, being able to be who you want to be – the glitter in the grey. It’s a show which will have you laughing out loud one minute and crying the next. This production is certainly uplifting and fun so definitely catch it on tour to see just why Everybody’s Talking About Jamie!

Everybody’s Talking About Jamie continues to tour the UK until the 20th July 2024. For information and tickets click here.

Photo Credit: Matt Crockett

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