Witness for the Prosecution – Review


Witness for the Prosecution: London County Hall, London

Reviewed 29th December 2017


Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie follows the story of Leonard Vole who is accused of murdering a widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are high – will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony? Will he be able to convince the jury of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose? Audiences are invited into the fantastic setting of the London County Hall to decide for themselves if he is guilty or not.

Witness for the Prosecution, Agatha Christie’s gripping story of justice, passion and betrayal, premiered in the West End in 1953 and is often regarded as Christie’s proudest achievement as a dramatist.


Audiences are welcomed into the magnificent court room and are instantly drawn into a tale of murder, lies and deceit. Agatha Christie had a skill in keeping the audience guessing until the last minute and this play stays true to this. It is gripping from the start and has the audience guessing, and second guessing, throughout the show.


The cast were impressive throughout and due to the amazing surroundings you could be forgiven for thinking that you actually were in session at court. The acting was so believable that it made for compulsive watching. This was particularly true during the trial, waiting to see if anyone slipped up and let loose some vital clues. Catherine Steadman as the unlikeable Romaine Vole was particularly effective in role. As was Jack McMullen who played her likeable, if not a little too nice, husband Leonard Vole.

This play is perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, who-dun-its or anyone who likes fast-paced court room drama. The outstanding surroundings completely make this show and through fantastic acting from the entire cast the audience is completely hooked. Don’t miss your chance to experience an Agatha Christie classic as you never have before.

Witness for the Prosecution is playing at the London County Hall until September 18th 2018. For more information and tickets see https://www.witnesscountyhall.com.

Photo Credit: Official production photographs from https://www.witnesscountyhall.com.

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